Message from Cmdr. Andras Sheran
What's New ?

Greetings Dear Friends,

There is a NEW Ashtar-channeling as you might have seen in our "Latest Transmissions"-section and ofcourse this months edition of our newsletter "LightShield" will arrive in your e-mailbox rather soon, but meanwhile I hope you do not mind me bothering you with the more earthly things in life...

The Crystal Light Web and the ACCNL-website are starting to take very much of my time, and I enjoy every minute of it. Unfortunately at the end of each month I recieve several bills from my Internet-company asking me to pay my fee... And who could hold it against them? But who could hold it against me that I have this strange habbit of eating every now and then... ;-)

Well, eventhough I really find it hard to write, the ACCNL is asking for your support to stay On-Line, and finnish the tremendous job it started, namely to activate a Web of Light around our beautiful planet in order to move forward on our path of ascension, and finally reach home again. Therefore donations of any kind would be a blessing.

But there are more ways to help the ACCNL:

I asked our dearest 5D-friends of the Ashtar Command for advice before writing this message since it is a difficult one for me to write...
Ashtar made clear the plans he had for the future, and as it looks to me so far, I can only say we cannot manage without your help. But, as expected, I was offered the following by the command: Their assistance and guidance!
This lead to the following idea:

Several meditations/visualisations have been transmitted to me by different Ascended Masters and AC-members, these meditation /visualisation-excersises will be put on CD and you can order them to support the ACCNL!

The costs of the CD will be around $20.00. But before we make these CD's we would like to know if you're interested in purchasing one so we'll know how many Compact Discs we need to make! You can place your orders at:

One thing I feel to be very important to point out here: This is merely a request, there's NO way you have to feel obligated to help, I have always offered my channelings and work for the Great White Brotherhood freely to everyone, and I will continue to do so! Give if you want and can, otherwise just send us some of extra energy (Heaven knows we need it!) ;-)

In Service of the One,

Cmdr. Andras Sheran

CD: Meet the Master in You

PRICE: $ 20.00 (plus P&P)


On this CD you will
find three different
visualizations from
the Ashtar Command
and the Ascended Masters.
These meditations are
mixed with the sounds
of music created for
your mind & heart.

CD: Terra

Price $20 (plus P&P)


This CD is a unique
creation. Traditional
instuments of earth,
digeridoo, singing
bowls, rainsticks and
many others are played
by a group of StarSeeds.
This results into a deep
trance-like music that
will take you on a
journey through the

