More Planted Crystals
More Planted Crystals Still locations needed!

John F. Winston wrote:

I finally buried a large crystal in my front yard. It is about 2 and three-quarters inches long, by one and one-eighth inches wide. It has a six sided point on its front. I put it in the ground wit the pointed end sticking in the earth, with just the end of it showing
at the earth's surface. I then did some mental imagining of projecting a white light from the crystal up to the sky and a golden light from the space crystal satellite to the object that I had buried. That could be the way it is done, maybe I will be told how to do it better later.

Mike wrote:

Have planted 4 crystals in Brownfield, Texas (about 35 miles south of Lubbock). More to follow.

Love and Light,


Moniko wrote:

I've planted 2 crystals, one in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and one in Collegeville, Minnesota. I also will plant another
in St. Cloud at my son's school about 1 mile away. They're close together, but it is right.

If I can do anything re: crystals to help out, let me know. It's busy times for all with much work to be done.

In service,


Cecilia wrote:


Just wanted to let you know I have finally buried 2 crystals in Norfolk,VA, USA. One in my back yard and one in my front. I was told that the particular crystals I buried were "singing crystals" mined in Brazil. They are called such because they have a less flat sound when clinked together than other crystals. It is said that they were planted by aliens has homing devices during prehistoric times in earths development. The terrain was so "soupy" that they needed these crystals to mark where they had been so they could return easily. Just thought they would be appropriate for this project. I have had them for years. One I could not part with. The other
conveniently broke in two some time ago. Though I was upset at the time I now understand the reason for the break. One half in the back, one half in the front! Interesting how everything happens as it should.

Love and Light


Angelique wrote:

Under a large ironwood tree; one clear quartz.
Kernersville, NC, USA


A lady wrote me and told how she was burying some crystal. Here are her thoughts.

From: Colette Fields

Of course you may post anything I send you. Please rest assured that there are many crystals buried in this Great Mother. I am called Dr. Lady Hawk, Kee Kee Quay. My heritage is French Cree. My ancestors migrated from Canada to the Great Lakes Region, from there they went to Massachusetts, where I was born and Rhode Island where I grew up.

I have lived in southern California for the past 30 some years. Currently I am CEO for Masterworks center, a non profit for women and children. My greatest joy is helping to sponsor and coordinate gatherings of world Elders.

Will have a gathering in January 2000 here in San Diego. Our program includes special programs for kids with music and storytelling Native American crafts and ceremony. I remember the one we did in 95 was awesome, we had invited 30 world elders, and had about 100 show. Needless to say this conference ran on Indian time and we began to make room for some who visited from India, Africa and South America.

At one point in the conference the energy was so high that the elders requested the participants come on the stage for blessings. Each person had the opportunity to receive blessings from the 13 or more elders on stage. I thought the heavens and earth opened and we were in the heart of these two great beings.

I am very excited about hosting and sharing the millennium conference in San Diego. We are working on the dates now. We hope to coincide with other such conferences. I is time to walk the talk of all peoples coming together as one. We all contain the same breath, the same heartbeat and the same river of life within and without us.

Thank you for asking about Jacumba, it is a little town about 1 1/2 hrs. east of San Diego. It borders a little Mexican town as a matter of fact, the fence, big joke, which I personally would like to rip out, runs partially through the town.

The other day we saw two women talking across the fence. The irony was that the woman on the Mexican side could only speak English, and the woman on the San Diego side could only speak Spanish. Yet neither could put foot in the other's country, even though they were family. And then in a blink of an eye came the border patrol shooing them away. I cried for the people.

Pray all the boundaries both physical and imaginary come down and soon. We are all one and must start walking our talk with love in our hearts. This craziness must end. This is one of my passions can you tell.

Jacumba is very ancient and the mystical experiences flow like blessings. Her terrain is high dessert warm and beautiful 99.9% of the time. Her guardians are hawks, rattlesnakes, grandfather lava altars, fire water from deep within the earth, crystal, sea fossils, and so many more. This is a healing gift from the great mother and sky father.

There is a beautiful grandmother elder there, walking her talk as caretaker of the earth and her family were guided by Spirit to come to Jacumba when she was an infant. This infant's life was in danger you see. Spirit placed her where she needed to be to complete her work.

Now I have been going to Jacumba for about 25 or more years. My experiences were with the sky nations, the stargate doorway. Grandmother and I were excited to find that the stargate doorway that I was introduced to passes direct center over the earth dimensional doorway she found.

Many crystals are already buried there; many of our people go weekly and pray and bury crystals there, the great Mother has of crystals and she joins in.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Blessings to all my relations
Kee Kee
Quayher own bed

...And the grid keeps growing...

Bjorn wrote:

Today i planted my first to crystals outside my house in Baerum, close to (west of ) Oslo. I also intend to plant two more crystals in the central part of southern Norway. I will tell you when this is done.

In service, Bjorn.

Chris wrote:

I just wanted to post that I have planted 3 clear quartz crystals on my pie shaped property in the town of Summit (near Oconomowoc) Wisconsin. I put one in each of the three corners of the triangle, and it felt very right to do so. I also live less than 20 miles from Aztalan, an ancient Indian burial ground that is also a Sacred Site. I feel very honored to be anchoring the energy and spreading the light in this area.

Love, Chris

Alora Sky wrote:

Hi All,
For the past few years I have been dropping crystals in a
waterfall which goes undergreound to the aquaduct underneath Albuquerque, NM. here are at least 24 crystals underneath Albuquerque at this time. Some have traveled far, and some are "caught" beneath the Sandia mountains. In Loving Service To All,

Alora Sky

Kim O'Hara wrote:

I just planted several crystals in Clive, Iowa, USA (suburb of Des Moines). One, I connected to the Grotto of the Redemption in West Bend, IA - it is a very large religious site in nortwestern Iowa. It is made of crystals, amethysts, petrified wood and other stones. A
priest built little cave-like structures with scenes from Jesus's life as well as the stations of the cross (a Catholic thing). I was just there -it is a very holy site, lots of GOOD VIBRATIONS! SO, I asked my Divine Guides to speak with Ashtar about it. He was thrilled I'd asked. So, I've included the Grotto as a planted crystal. I planted three others as instructed on my property, and also, as instructed, I seated in the ground a large amethyst I'd bought a few years ago. It felt really good planting them and including the Grotto. I'm excited and honored to be a part of the crystal grid planting project.

Love and blessings, Kim O.

Niyija van Dijk wrote:

4 crystals in Johannesburg, South Africa

Marc McCormick wrote:

2 crystals in Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Bob Mc Carr wrote:

I planted 12 crystals in the parks of Fort Lauderdale Florida, and 2 more at my house. Bob L McCarr

Maya Kinoshita wrote:

Dearest Andras Sheran,
Just wanted to let you know I had planted a crystal high at top of Huana Pichu, the peak behind Machu Pichu -- Thank you for your WONDERFUL work!!! Namaste,


Greetings Cmdr. Andras,

Great web site! It's very artistic and well designed - interesting articles too. I wanted to tell you that I just planted my first crystals - a grid of 4 clear quartz points in a diamond cross formation, and located within the vortex of a future temple. This point is located on a wonderful beach on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Place is Victoria, BC, Canada. Love, Light and Blessings to you!


Gwen Dorfman wrote:

I planted two crystals in Valley Forge Pennsylvania.


Many More Locations ( ACCNL thanks Cmdr. Venus & Malena for their WONDERFUL job!):

Name: Diana /Cmdr. Venus (Reiki I )
Country: Perú
City: Lima
Number of crystals: 3
Especific Location:
-1st (cluster) in a garden of roses at home.
-2nd (cluster)in the top of a little mountain at my grandma house ,near Las Salinas de Chilca beach.
-3rd (obelisk)in the beach Las Salinas de Chilca near the rocks , the sand , the water and sun , in front the Subacuatic Base of the Arcturians and Antarians.

Name: Anahuak Group
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico city.
Number of crystals: 2 crystals
Especific Location:
- 1st at the Arqueologic Zone of Cuicuilco.
-2nd at the National Park "Viveros de Coyoacan"

Name: Malena Sotomayor( Reiki II )
Country: USA
City: Florida
Number of crystals: 1 obelisk
Especific Location: North Fort Lauderdale Beach just in the borderline where the ground changes to

Name: Lili (Lidia Ruth Angelucci) & Enrique Luis Rio
Country: Argentina
City: Esquel - Chubut
Number of crystals: 1 obelisk
Especific Location: in our garden , full of trees , roses and plants, fairies and gnomes.

Name: Sergio Kostrisky (master of Reiki)
Country: Perú
City: Lima
Number of crystals: 1 cluster of 70 kg.
Especific Location: in the Garden.

Name: Mela Botto( Reiki II )
Number of crystals: 1 Obelisk
Especific Location: in the garden of roses surround the roses flower-pot with little obelisk cristals inside.

Name: Lorenzo Rojas
Country: Perú
City: Puno
Number of crystals:2
Especific Location:
1st in the Sun Island.
2nd in the Moon Island.

Name: Logaine Navascués (Reiki I )
Country: Perú
City: Huaraz
Number of crystals: 4 miniatures : 2 cluster
Especific Location:
- On Lake Llanganuco´s shore, in Huaraz, Ancash, Perú. Just where water reaches land, covered with
green grass, and where a forest of Quenales lies.

Name: Ciro Alejandro Arévalo
Country: Colombia
City: Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C.
Number of crystals: 1
Especific Location:
-Guasca village in the province of Cundinamarca. Under the shadow of a tree called " siete cueros"
located in the garden of a big house , in the mountains near the sacred places of the ancient people of the country.

Name: Balo Ortega Urueta
Country: from Tampico, Tams -Mexico
City: Tampico & Tamuin
Number of crystals: 1 cluster & an obelisk
Especific Location:
Cluster : Golf of Mexico , in Miramar-Tampico Beach in front the Godeln Pyramind ( it is under Water).
Obelisk : Tamuin Arqueologic Area.

Name: Caridad P. Alvarez de Paz( Master of Reiki)
Country: España
City: La Laguna/ Tenerife
Number of crystals: 3
Especific Location:
1st. (75 cm.)between my Orchids .
2nd in the Mercedes Mountain.
3rd in Teide Peak.

Name: Guillermo Soto Gonzalez
Country: Chile
City: Valparaiso
Number of crystals: 1
Especific Location: in a garden beside Home

Name: Martin Fernando Bernate Leon (group of youngs 23-30)
Country: Colombia
Number of crystals: 4
Especific Location: the crystals are planting in the four cardinal points of the city of Bucaramanga

Another crystal planted in Browns Woods, Des Moines, Iowa, USA, per
divine guidance.

Thanks! Kim O.

Greetings, Dear Lords And Ladies,
On Friday June 18 I planted 2 clear Quartz Crystals at Aztalan State Park, 2 miles East of Lake Mills, Wisconsin USA, at approx. 88W54'48" 43N04'54"

Masculine crystal planted on Pyramid Of The Sun Feminine crystal planted on Pyramid Of The Moon

Weather permitting, will do ceremony there on Summer Solstice at 10:00am.


Dear friends of Light...
I like to let you know that tonite my friends and I planted a crystal located at Fort Lauderdale beach, right in the borderline between the sand and the ground. It was a very special night... wonderful experienced and full of great energy !

sending you all an ocean of love,

Another crystal planted in Waukee, Iowa, USA today, per divine guidance.

Thanks! Kim O

Today i planted my first to crystals outside my house in Baerum, close to (west of ) Oslo.
I also intend to plant two more crystals in the central part of southern Norway. I will tell you when this is done.

In service,

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